Share Your Qurbani


“It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him.” Qur’an 22:37

All Muslim adults who are eligible to pay Zakat must make an animal sacrifice. By giving your Qurbani, you are fulfilling your religious obligation to provide quality, nutritious food to the poor.

What is Qurbani?

Qurbani means sacrifice. It is a sacred act to honour the tradition of the blessed Prophet Ibrahim (AS), his beloved son Ismail (AS) and their story of sacrifice and devotion to Allah (SWT).

We called to him, “O Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, we thus reward the doers of good. Indeed, this was a clear trial.” – Qur’an 37:104

The practice of Qurbani can be traced back to the Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

It is a sacred act to honour the tradition of the blessed Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) and their story of sacrifice and devotion to Allah SWT.

Eid-al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice, is celebrated during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, known as Dhul Hijjah – which translates as ‘Lord of the Pilgrimage’. It is during this month that pilgrims travel to Mecca in order to visit the Kaaba. Hajj is performed from the eighth to the twelfth of Dhul Hajj. Eid ul-Adha is celebrated on tenth of Dhul Hajj and is celebrated for 3 days.

Sacrificed meat is distributed among the poor and vulnerable across the globe. At least one third of the meat from the animal must go to poor or vulnerable people. Traditionally, a Muslim would keep one third of the meat for their family and give the final third to their neighbours.

Those who receive the Qurbani meat include widows, orphaned children, refugees, the poor, and the elderly or disabled people. For the majority, meat is not part of their regular diet. The Qurbani meat allows some families to eat meat after a whole year. Your Qurbani can provide up to 60 meals.

When families receive Qurbani meat, it allows them to celebrate Eid with nutritional food along with millions of other Muslims across the world. Reap the rewards of the 10 best days. Give your Qurbani today.


According to many scholars, Qurbani is an obligation for all sane adult male or female Muslims who meet the Zakat threshold (nisaab).

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (SWT).”


We will be distributing Qurbani meat to impoverished people across Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, The Gambia and Yemen.

This depends on the school of thought you follow. Please consult your local Imam/Shaykh for further clarification. According to the Hanafi school of thought it is obligatory for:

· Every sane Muslim of mature age who has wealth above the nisaab.

· Non-travelling persons

· Those who possess wealth which is beyond their needs, equal to (or more than) the current level of nisaab


No, this is not necessary as long as you have made the intention that you are giving this Qurbani on behalf of a certain person.

Until the new moon of Dhul Hijjah appears (i.e. on the 1st of Dhul Hijjah) it is recommended not to remove hair, nails or skin until the sacrifice has occurred. Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact day when your Qurbani will be completed as there are many factors involved in the logistics of organising and performing Qurbani on a large scale. We recommend if you are observing this opinion to avoid removing the above until the 12th day of Dhul Hijjah (the third day of Eid)

In short yes, you can do as many as you wish. The Prophet (SAW) carried out multiple Qurbanis for himself and the Ummah.

Yes, you can. It is not an obligation however it can be done as Sadaqah Jariyah for a loved one. Many Muslims around the world offer multiple Qurbani for our beloved Prophet SAW.

You should do this as soon as possible. We will take Qurbani orders until Maghrib time on 10th Dhul Hijjah (Eid day).

At Help Yateem, we are always looking at ensuring Qurbani prices are kept as low as possible but there is always an inflation of livestock around Qurbani time. The costs of Qurbani includes not only the purchasing of the animals, but also support costs, which are essential to ensure that good healthy animals are purchased and taken care of as well as selecting the most vulnerable people to give meat to.

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